I went to listen to the speakers outside the Israeli Embassy, London at the end of the protest march yesterday. 25,000 people marched due to the sorrow and outrage felt after the murder of nine innocent people abroad the Flotilla in International waters (who were bringing aid to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip) by Israeli officers. Activists want the UK government to cull all trade agreements with Israel to show the distain felt by the international community and the severity of what they have done; a total breach of human rights laws: completely unnecessary killings.
The issues between the Israeli and Palestinian people are terribly old and clotted, but what's going on for civilians in the Gaza Strip (abject poverty) is sickening and needs to be stopped, and the murder of nine people who were trying to bring them necessities is miserable and just shows how desperate this situation is. Let us hope that the Martyr’s abroad the Flotilla did not die in vain.