Friday, January 29

Good Grief

Interesting article on grief
Clementine showed me this article written for "The New Yorker" by Meghan O’Rourke on grief. Part of it talks about the work of this lady, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, a Swiss-born psychiatrist. She wrote "On Death and Dying" and then "On Grief and Grieving" ..anyway she stated that there were five stages of the dying: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance... and the same for the grieving. At the end of her life, she knew that grief can't really be boxed into categorical stages..'Other research suggests that grief and mourning don’t follow a checklist; they’re complicated and untidy processes, less like a progression of stages and more like an ongoing process'.

The article also discusses resilience of the bereaved, the way in which non-grieving others may retract from the bereaved, or think that after a certain amount of time they should be finished with grieving, and how death is dealt with in different cultures and points in history.